One for the good guys
One of my small business clients reached out to me for help in his application for the Paycheck Protection Program. One of the requirements was apparently proof that he had been paying his group health insurance premiums. Because he's on auto-withdrawal (EFT) he didn't have cancelled checks, and so was in a quandary. Added to his stress was a looming deadline....
One of my favorite parts of this job is being able to help my clients, and this turned out to be easier than I'd thought:
I popped over to the carriers agent portal, signed in, brought up his account, and clicked the 'Billing' tab, which showed a list of premiums, when they were due, and when they were paid. I took a screen-shot and emailed it over to my client, who just let me know that the screen-shot worked, and his application is being processed.
Is this a big deal? Well, for my client it certainly is, as it may be what ultimately keeps his doors open. And for me, the satisfaction that I was able to help, in however small a way, to make that more likely.
So, a good day.
One of my favorite parts of this job is being able to help my clients, and this turned out to be easier than I'd thought:
I popped over to the carriers agent portal, signed in, brought up his account, and clicked the 'Billing' tab, which showed a list of premiums, when they were due, and when they were paid. I took a screen-shot and emailed it over to my client, who just let me know that the screen-shot worked, and his application is being processed.
Is this a big deal? Well, for my client it certainly is, as it may be what ultimately keeps his doors open. And for me, the satisfaction that I was able to help, in however small a way, to make that more likely.
So, a good day.
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