Positive Carrier Tricks

From our friends at OneAmerica Life (one of our go-to Long Term Care insurance vendors):

'Grace period extended through July 1 for premium payments'


But wait, there's more:

'We understand that some policyowners may currently be struggling to pay their premiums on time. To meet this immediate need, OneAmerica has again automatically extended the grace period on all individual life insurance coverage through July 1, 2020.'

They also address somne other issues that we've also been wondering about:

'If after July 1, the policyowner’s resident state has not lifted the extended grace period, OneAmerica will consider the extended grace period on a state-by-state basis by policyowner’s resident state.'

This is important, since we as individuals really don't have much (any?) say in that decision.

As with the auto insurance carriers and their various discount programs, I expect other long term care (and life insurance) carriers to do the same.

Which, of course, begs the question: what about health insurance?



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